Though a lot of the ministry is centered around the school, we have been branching out, trying to reach more people.
For years, Aaron has been wanting to reach Zambian leaders. He believes that if they can impact the leaders for Christ, it can change the trajectory of the nation.
Aaron has been able to partner with Capitol ministries and through them, he has been able to put together a team. These guys are pastors, speakers and counselors. Together, they are infiltrating the Zambia government with the gospel.
Since they aren't attached to a political party, they are able further penetrate the government offices. Aaron has even been able to get to know the former vice president, which has opened many doors for them to continue reaching high profile people.
Their heart is to bring people together and teach them the Word of God. By reaching those in power, they are praying that Christian values and morals will slowly trickle down to normal people and change Zambia for God.